Peace, Purity and Freedom

Monday 24 October 2016

Memrise course for Hasani set up!

With the support of the Pavlovian government, the regional government of Hasanistan has established a course on the online website Memrise for the Hasani language. The course is currently still under development and far from completion but will hopefully allow both Hasani citizens and foreigners to become fluent in the language. A government-supported organization known as the Hasani Culture Federation will manage the course as well as be given the task of preserving the Hasani language. You can currently take a quiz to test your knowledge on the language.



Friday 14 October 2016

Hasani Shahdom passes Shahdom Act of 2016!

Following a weeks of reforms passed in the Kurultay, including one which would lead to its dissolution, all these reforms have been grouped into one government act known as Shahdom Act which will officially institute all these laws. These reforms were already official when they were passed, however it had been decided that on this day that all new reforms will be enforced. This act comes as the central Pavlovian government has formalized a new charter in Pavlov which has greatly reformed its political structure. The following reforms will be officially instituted:
  • Hasanistan becomes a semi-constitutional monarchy under the authority of Iskender IV, Shahanshah with the glory of Solomon of Hasanistan, Rum and the Steppe of the Turks. The Shahanshah will voluntarily not get involved in Hasanistan's political system except in times of need. Hasanistan's official name shall be the "Shahdom of Hasanistan" (or Hasanistan Şahliği in Hasani).
  • The positions of Beg and Premier dissolved, replaced by a representitive of His Imperial Majesty the Shahanshah known as the Viceroy. The viceroy will be selected by the Shahanshah and His Imperial Majesty has chosen new citizen İsmetcan Saraç as the current Viceroy.
  • The Kurultay, Hasanistan's tricameral legislature, has been dissolved and the Viceroy has been given all power over Hasanistan's law. The regional political parties of Hasanistan will be allowed to continue to exist as local pressure groups.
  • All primates (except North Hasanistan) have been granted far less autonomy under Hasani law. The primates have also been renamed to begliks and all the begliks have been given permission to rename themselves. The four begliks are now Iskenderabat Beglik (formerly Batyr Primate), Ardajan Beglik (formerly North Hasanistan Primate), Çobanistan Beglik (formerly South Hasanistan Primate) and <insert name> Beglik (formerly Saladin Islands Primate). Ardajan Beglik has been granted autonomous rule but will be represented in Pavlov by the Viceroy of Hasanistan.
There are currently some more laws involving Hasanistan which are currently under vote in the State Council of Pavlov so they were not included in the act, such as the establishment of a grand muftiate in Pavlov. All events are currently postponed, such as the Hasani A. Lig, to allow stability following the reforms and all information online regarding Hasanistan is too be updated.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Primates reformed, renamed to Begliks!

Following the dissolution of the Kurultay and the Prime Council, the future of the primates had been in question. Following a two day discussion between Viceroy Shady Morsi and Minister of Plenipotentiary Hasan Çakar, it has been decided the primates will be renamed to "begliks" and that the local governors will be renamed from "Prime" to "Beg". The three begliks are also being renamed: Batyr to Iskenderabat, North Hasanistan to Ardajan and South Hasanistan to Çobanistan. These changes have come as part of recent reforms to deal with an upcoming Pavlovian charter, they will be all officially established following the passing of the charter which will hopefully be this week.

Monday 10 October 2016

All arms of the Kurultay dissolved, end of democracy in Hasanistan?

As of 00:00 tomorrow, all arms of Hasanistan's legislature "the Kurultay" (formerly known as the Supreme Council until recently) will be dissolved. Following the dissolution, all national descisions will be made by the Viceroy of Hasanistan (temporarily Shady Morsi), the Minister of Plenipotentiary (temporarily Hasan Çakar) and if requested His Imperial Majesty Shahanshah Iskender IV. This move is controversial as some citizens believe this will be the end of democracy in Hasanistan. Plans are in place to ensure democracy is not removed and that the people still have a say in Hasanistan's politics. However, following these recent weeks of reform, anything can happen.

Government faces heavy reforms following changes to appease Pavlovian government!

Following the radical changes made yesterday which saw Hasanistan become a constitutional monarchy under the rule of Iskender IV of Pavlov, the Hasani regional government and Hasan Çakar Beg have announced even more reforms to fit in with the reforms happening in Hasanistan's suzerain Pavlov. These will reforms will allow the Hasani government to adapt to the recent changes easier. The positions of Beg (former head of state, formerly known as President) and Premier (former head of government, formerly known as Supreme Leader) are being dissolved and to be replaced by different positions. The Hasani legislature will most likely continue to be tricameral, however there are discussions to dissolve the Prime Council and the Guild Council with are both very inactive. The Kurultay, which currently only has 4 seats, will get expanded. Hasanistan will have a state appointed Grand Mufti who will be granted a place as an observer in the Kurultay, although the future Grand Mufti will not be granted the privilege of voting on motions in respect of Hasanistan's secular nature. Iskender IV has voluntarily accepted the request by the Hasani government to not get involved in Hasani politics unless they request so, however has granted Hasan Çakar Beg the permission to do these reforms without Kurultay permission.
The following list is one of the most favored ideas for a new political structure (current positions that are retained are indicated in italics):
  • Shahanshah of Hasanistan - Iskender IV
    • Plenipotentiary Minister - Hasan Çakar
    • Kurultay
      • Viceroy of Hasanistan - TBD
      • Devlet Vizier (State Minister) - TBD
      • Savunma Vizier (Defense Minister) - Ulash Arda
      • Kültür ve Teknoloji Vizier (Culture and Technology Minister) - Kaab Millet
      • Grand Mufti of all Pavlov - Mohamet Ali (cannot vote, only observer) 
    • Guild Council (dissolution possible)
      • Manufacturing Industry Representative - TBD
      • Agriculture Industry Representative - TBD
      • Service Industry Representative - TBD
    • Prime Council (dissolution possible)
      • Prime of Batyr - TBD
      • Prime of North Hasanistan - Shady Morsi 
      • Prime of South Hasanistan - Hasan Çakar
      • Prime of Saladin Islands - Mohamet Ali 

Friday 7 October 2016

Hasanistan becomes a monarchy, Pavlovian emperor crowned Shahanshah!

It has been decided by the Kurultay of Hasanistan that Hasanistan will cease to be a republic for the foreseeable future and will adopt a constitutional monarchy to accommodate for upcoming political reforms in the Empire of Pavlov. The descision, which may seem controversial due to Hasanistan's historic socialist and republican leanings, was unopposed in the Kurultay's vote on the issue. The Emperor of Pavlov Alexander IV will take the role as Shahanshah and will go by the name Iskender in a sign of respect to Hasani culture. On possible questions on whether Hasanistan's democracy is in danger, Hasan Çakar Beg has gave the following statement:
"Hasanistan's democracy is not in danger! We have decided to make these reforms to be able to allow the Pavlovian government to make important political reforms that will ensure its stability. I am no monarchist, however we must accept this reform as it will continue the Emperor's support for the dependency. Ever since we have become a Pavlovian dependency, the Pavlovian government and His Imperial Majesty Shahanshah Iskender IV have respected Hasanistan's democracy. His Imperial Majesty has voluntarily decided he will not get involved in Hasanistan's governance except in times of emergency. Hasanistan will continue to have democratic elections and nothing will change except we will take on Pavlov's emperor as our monarch."
Hasan Çakar Beg has also announced that his own position will most likely be dissolved in the coming days and the Premier of Hasanistan will gain more powers. Hasanistan will also be changing its official name to the "Shahdom of Hasanistan and Rum" as well as a renaming of the capital Batyr to Iskenderabat in honour of the new Shah.

Kurultay meeting, October 7th 2016

Today the Kurultay voted on 3 issues. Only three members were present as the Defense Minister Ulash Arda was once again late.
  • Hasanistan will become a constitutional monarchy, Emperor Alexander IV of Pavlov will become Shahanshah of Hasanistan and the position of Beg (president) will be dissolved. (Current vote: 2 support, 1 abstain, 0 oppose)
  • The cities of Batyr, Shadyivin and Srigina will be renamed to commemorate the changes being made. (Current vote: 3 support, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
  • North Hasanistan and South Hasanistan primates will be granted permission to be renamed by their respective local authority. (Current vote: 1 support, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)


About us

Hasanistan, officially the Federal Republic of Hasanistan (Hasani: Hasanistan Federal Jumhuriyeti), is a self-proclaimed state with territorial claims situated across the Greater Middle East region. Hasanistan has been described as a micronation or an alternative government by external observers due to its lack of international recognition and the minimal control over the regions it holds territorial claims upon.

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