Peace, Purity and Freedom

Monday 29 March 2021

Consultative Mejlis approves new Council of Vandals third chamber and partisan affiliation in Knowledgeable People's Mejlis

In a low turnout vote in the Consultative Mejlis, where only one deputy voted, a act establishing a new third chamber within the National Parliament and allowing partisan affiliation in the Mejlis of Knowledgeable People was approved. The motion was proposed by the President, who additionally immediately approved it following its successful passing in the Mejlis.

The new chamber will be the Mejlis of Vandals, which according to act is named after the Germanic Vandal Kingdom. It will be composed of the President, Prime Minister, ceremonial heads and appointees by the President who will all serve life-terms in the body. The head of the new deliberative chamber will be the President as Vandalführer, with the Prime Minister as Deputy Vandalführer. Under the new system, motions approved by the Vandal Mejlis will be sent to the Mejlis of Knowledgeable People for approval which will decide if they can become law. The Vandal Mejlis will not be part of the joint sessions of the National Parliament, despite being a part of it.

Additionally, a previous rule of offices in the Mejlis of Knowledgeable People being non-partisan under the 2nd System of Government Act has been abolished. This seems to have been done to allow the Government's party to establish closer ties with parties without representation.

The full act may be read here.

The President has also issued his first appointments for the Knowledgeable People's Mejlis. Tanju Çakar (Progressive Party) has been made representative of industrial workers, Lüd İsveçoğlu (Feudalist Party) has been made representative of the peasantry, Muhamet Ali (Independent) has been made representative of Turkish speakers, Kevin Vanhaar (Democratic Party) has been made representative of Ardajanis, Shady Morsi (Democratic Party) has been made representative of Dutch speakers, Tablekitten (Moralist Party) has been appointed representative of Christians and he has appointed himself (People's Unity Party) as representative of Muslims. Tablekitten has been selected to serve as its Speaker. The other offices will remain vacant so far.


Friday 19 March 2021

Local elections and currency referendum rescheduled for summer

President Hasan Çakar has announced that the local elections and currency elections will be rescheduled to be held on a yet to be decided date between June, July and August. The decision comes roughly 22 days after he issued a decree setting the election date for 10 April.

The reason stated for the delays is to allow more time for campaigning and a debate to be held on the currency referendum's third question choices.


Friday 12 March 2021

2021 Census demographic data released; show significant demographic changes

The Hasanistani Governmet has released the first demographic figures since 2017, showing significant changes. The country's registered citizenry has risen significantly from 8 in 2017, to 20 (an increase of roughly 150%). This is also an increase from the number of eligible voters (estimated to be 100% of Hasanistan's population) which is also used as a more unofficial population count, which was 14 before the November 2020 elections.

The data released has been largely anonymised to prevent breaches of privacy and the full census will not be released to the public. Information which will be shown will be in terms of ethnicity, religion, main language and official karye and sanjak of residence. The data has shown that the increase of citizens has brought significant demographic changes in terms of ethnicity and religion. Demographic changes in Hasanistan have been tied to increased exposure of the citizenship application on Facebook, increased migration from Blepia and Nedland, and citizen loss following the split from Montescano.

It will also include data on the amount of non-citizens with residency rights and Ardajani Special Status residents.

Although not included, it is estimated that 100% of Hasanistan's population are male. President Hasan Çakar has said he hopes there will be one day where women will be more than 50% of Hasanistan.


The official ethnicity statistics on ethnicity are as follows: Turkic groups are 25%, Europeans (excluding Slavs) are 25%, Hindustanis/South Asians are 20%, Slavs are 15%, Ardajanis are 10% and Šlovedks are 5%.

The data shows a significant reduction in the previous Turkic majority from 63% of the population in 2017 to only 25% now. Although not included in the data, 60% of the 25% of Turkic peoples are estimated to be Hasani (15% of the total Hasani population). If the numbers for Slavs and Europeans are added together, Europeans would now form the majority in Hasanistan at 40%.

Chart showing % of ethnic groups


Religious data shows that the majority of citizens (40%) have not stated or preferred not state their religious affiliation, while 30% are Muslims, 15% are Christians, 10% are Hindus and 5% are Shinto. The data has shown a significant reduction in Islam's previous majority in 2017, from 75% to only 30%.

Chart showing % of religious affiliation

Main spoken language

This census data is the first to show the main spoken language (first language) of citizens. English is the most widely-spoken first language in Hasanistan, by 50% of the population.

Chart showing % of first languages

Populations of Sanjaks, Karyes and Eyalets

The official data on sanjak and autonomous regions populations in order is as follows: Batyr has 8 citizens, Körfeziye has 6 citizens, Ardajan has 3 citizens, Çobanistan has 2 citizens, Köktuğluk has 1 citizen and Sırıtjine has no registered citizens. Tallied for eyalets, this would mean North Hasanistan has 11 citizens, South Hasanistan has 3 citizens and Arapadalar has 6.

For karyes (the lowest-level administrative division) the data is as follows: Nun (Körfeziye) has 5 citizens, Keykubad (Batyr) has 4 citizens, Kınık (Batyr) has 3 citizens, Karamankaş (Çobanistan) and Shadyabat (Ardajan) both have 2 citizens, and Amara (Ardajan), Jerit (Körfeziye), Ortasaray (Batyr) and Turanşehir (Köktuğluk) all have 1 citizen each.

Registered residency for non-citizens and Ardajani Special Status residents

There is one non-citizen with registered residency rights from Mahuset who is currently registered as a voter in Batyr and seven Ardajani Special Status residents who reside within Ardajan. The Ardajani Special Status residents have been made citizens, but there data is not included in the released information.

If these groups were included with registered citizens, Hasanistan would have a population of 28 people.


About us

Hasanistan, officially the Federal Republic of Hasanistan (Hasani: Hasanistan Federal Jumhuriyeti), is a self-proclaimed state with territorial claims situated across the Greater Middle East region. Hasanistan has been described as a micronation or an alternative government by external observers due to its lack of international recognition and the minimal control over the regions it holds territorial claims upon.

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