Peace, Purity and Freedom

Saturday 28 March 2020

Statement of Hasan Çakar regarding recent controversies within micronational world

Hasan Çakar, current Prime Minister and founder of Hasanistan, has been the source of controversy within the wider micronational community recently after being blamed for a series of vandalism on the website "" or more commonly known as "MicroWiki" alongside another prominent individual. Çakar and Hasanistan have also come under more accusations for "spreading false information" in regards to other nations and being "immature"
Çakar has issued the following response, not in his capacities within Hasanistan but as a wider micronationalist, to those critics:
"Hello to all dear readers, 
I am writing this statement today to address criticisms that been made against me, which I believe are unfair but laughable. Usually, I do not care what these pipsqueaks think or say and I honestly still don't. This statement is solely for those who do not issue unilateral judgements based on emotion and attempts to please individuals they consider superior.
In regard to the initial accusation of the vandalism, I shall issue no comment. Vandalism is an immature action, which among the users of MicroWiki I honestly find few who have not engaged or claimed to have engaged in the action. Many of these prominent individuals who are crying about the incident were either proudly engaging in vandalism against younger users or those they considered not within their nonsensical standards in past but engage in other immature actions against each other. This includes those among the administrators of MicroWiki and its notable user base (past or present). I can personally name citizens of the community's most 'prominent' nation who have engaged in petty actions that could be considered vandalism. It should be added, this most 'prominent' nation also welcomed with open arms a notorious troll who was previously outed to have attempted immaturely to infiltrate other micronations and 'overthrow their governments' in his own words, regularly used offensive and violent rhetoric against a wide range of ethno-religious groups (Turks, Tatars, Austrians, Catholics and various others), presumably groomed underage girls for sexual images and himself engaged in vandalism.
Anyway, firstly, the accusation is mostly based on the findings of a French micronationalist with Ukranian descent (who I shall not name but whose description will be easily identifiable to some reading). I don't know the content of the reasoning for this 'verdict' and he claims to not currently publish it due to the current global health crisis. However, without commenting on the verdict itself, I hold it in little regard anyway. Firstly, the trial (which I was not going to 'attend' regardless) that was demanded for me and the other accused to go by this person was solely in French (at least it was implied this way to us). Neither of us speak fluent French, my knowledge of French is a few greetings and nouns, so how could this even be a fair trial. Secondly, this person accused me of being a friend of 'Russian fascists'. I do not know a single Russian fascist, he is simply throwing pejoratives against people I associate with who hold some views that he opposes. This Zionist fan boy is also a well-known Russophobe, probably due to his ultra-nationalistic love for his ancestral homeland Ukraine, who has in the past made abhorrent comments against the Russian people.
The next area of controversy was my statements on the GUM, which have led to me being called an 'anti-GUM extremist' (I frankly could not care about this organisation or its little wannabe-despot leadership). First of all I have been accused of being this by some diaspora Boer South African pipsqueak who is to cowardly to directly address me anymore and also engages in idle-talk against the other accused who he previously begged me to help him re-communicate with. I have been in micronationalism for 9 years, longer than most of these pipsqueaks, and especially this child so I do not value his opinion. Anyway, the claim is that I am making false statements by saying they are behind coronavirus. I issued this because the alarmism of their members is helping no one and is overall cringe-worthy, and also to annoy them, so I decided to point it out and it seems to have caused some emotional trauma for these imbeciles. I should also add that statement was made in the context of my quote, they then claim that the news source of the Hasani government is fully unreliable due to this (which is laughable as I usually take a neutral point of view when writing articles that are not my opinion pieces, they can ask anyone who I have written articles for).
Anyway, recently, I was banned from their site and I also have evidence that they wish to expel me off other platforms. During this little controversy, my site was incorrectly marked as 'spam' by Facebook and I reason to believe one or some of the individuals from the 'GUM-o-sphere' was behind this. They think they can expel me from micronationalism, but I have been a micronationalist longer than most of them and my micronation 'Hasanistan' has received recognition that these children wished they had (having been mentioned in a popular internationally-published book).  Of course, unlike them, I do not use this as some kind of justification for false superiority as that is not within my personality.
The MicroWiki administrators have made it a personal effort on their part to engage in revisionism for various matters, including now myself, and are working tirelessly to try smear and slander me. After the publication of this statement, they will probably do some additional slander to let off some steam from their inevitable frustration. It is hilarious that the self-proclaimed 'Emperor' of a certain micronation and his goons cannot bear to have anything that challenges his pathetic personality cult. Also micronationalism is far more than some website, the fact that the 'elite' of these people cannot see that shows their intelligence levels. It also shows a lacking respect of the right to freedom of speech and thought, which many on there claim to believe in.
Anyway in conclusion, I am just refuting the foolish criticism and stating that other micronationalists should not let peer-pressure stop them from interacting with me. I am a helpful and kind person, I have helped numerous micronationalists (new and old) do various things for their projects simply out of generosity and without intending any favours or personal benefit in return. I also don't want to really comment on the other accused individual, but I will say he is of good moral character and the treatment of him has been appalling and shown the worst in human character. And to my critics, I do not feel any hard feelings and forgiveness is a part my character and belief system. The door for reconciliation or 'agreeing to disagree' is open and I will not turn away anyone wishing to do so. This includes those I have called out in this article, those who I not and those who incorrectly feel I have. However, I do not sit idly while being attacked and so I have been forced to respond to childish behaviour. 
Thank you for reading, and I hope everyone stays safe in current times."


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Hasanistan, officially the Federal Republic of Hasanistan (Hasani: Hasanistan Federal Jumhuriyeti), is a self-proclaimed state with territorial claims situated across the Greater Middle East region. Hasanistan has been described as a micronation or an alternative government by external observers due to its lack of international recognition and the minimal control over the regions it holds territorial claims upon.

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