Peace, Purity and Freedom

Sunday 23 June 2019

Hasanistan establishes diplomatic relations with Montescano

Today, the heads of state of Hasanistan and the Pavlovian successor state known as the Principality of Montescano ratified a treaty establishing mutual recognition and bilateral relations between the two nations.
Flag of Montescano
Montescano is a landlocked state that claims sovereignty within the the Netherlands, Slovakia and the United Kingdom. The country is ruled by HSH Prince Dionisiy I. the former Tsar and Emperor of Pavlov, Montescano's culture is largely influenced by the Italian, Mediterranean and German cultures. A successor state of Pavlov, it contains fellow former territories including Nazir and also Nedland. Under the terms of the treaty, Hasanistan has also recognized the legitimacy of the nation's noble titles.


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Hasanistan, officially the Federal Republic of Hasanistan (Hasani: Hasanistan Federal Jumhuriyeti), is a self-proclaimed state with territorial claims situated across the Greater Middle East region. Hasanistan has been described as a micronation or an alternative government by external observers due to its lack of international recognition and the minimal control over the regions it holds territorial claims upon.

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