Peace, Purity and Freedom

Sunday 30 June 2019

President Çakar reacts to Konmalehth executive results

The elections within the Konmalehth to select came to an end yesterday, following a three-day voting period, with Emiel Sebastiaan Hardy becoming the new Chair and Connor I of Atovia and becoming the new Vice-Chair. Hardy won his election by 13 votes compared to only 2 abstentions, while Connor I defeated rival Helvetica's Vilcho by 9 votes to 6. The announcements of the results were well-received by the national delegates, including Connor I and Vilcho who congratulated each other on being good opposition. President Hasan Çakar was among them, congratulating the two victorious candidates within the Konmalehth online discussion server.
Now that the elections are complete, it is expected Hardy and Connor I to try push for implementing their reforms that they advocated during campaigning. These include creating a Konmalehth-wide news service from the dormant Mahusetan press agency and the creation of new committees within the organisation. President Çakar himself hopes to pass through reforms that establish aid for national development within newer micronations and supporting the integrity and operation of elections within member states.


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