Peace, Purity and Freedom

Thursday 11 June 2020

2020 Election: Çakar promises to bring marriage laws to 21st century

The incumbent head of state and government, presidential candidate and leader of the People's Unity Party Hasan Çakar has today issued a campaign promise that he will "pass common sense marriage legislation" if elected to serve as President. He has promised to legalise males having multiple wives and unlimited amount of concubines, saying "It is unfair in modern day in the current hedonist social order that a man cannot have many beautiful virgin wives and concubines for fun, I will change that and Hasanistan will be a model for the rest of the world". He further stated "This will increase our birth rates so we have more citizens and it will also make our population happier".
Çakar's party has polled low in the most recent election polls, showing his party trailing behind the Feudalist Party and the Democratic Party of Ardajan.


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Hasanistan, officially the Federal Republic of Hasanistan (Hasani: Hasanistan Federal Jumhuriyeti), is a self-proclaimed state with territorial claims situated across the Greater Middle East region. Hasanistan has been described as a micronation or an alternative government by external observers due to its lack of international recognition and the minimal control over the regions it holds territorial claims upon.

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