Peace, Purity and Freedom

Sunday 7 February 2021

Presidential decree adopts government logo; grants more titles

Today, President Hasan Çakar issued a presidential decree which establish a new logo for the Government of Hasanistan and granted titles to various individuals.

The new government logo will feature a caricature of a KARA BOĞA (Black Bull) warrior beheading an Asiatic person who is said to either represent a Ryukyuan or a so-called "Cornish" person from Southwest Anglogermania. The logo also features the name of the Hasani Government in the three official scripts of Hasani, including for the first time the Japonic script. The Hasanistani Turanic Society praised the new logo.

New government logo of Hasanistan

In addition, three people were given titles. Emiel Hardy was declared as a "Chad", Lüd İsveçoğlu was declared as "Führer of Sápmi" and Tablekitten was declared as the "Kitten on the Table" and "Grand Wizard of Alabama" as well as appointed ceremonial Agha of Zülkerneyn.

The full decree can be read here.



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Hasanistan, officially the Federal Republic of Hasanistan (Hasani: Hasanistan Federal Jumhuriyeti), is a self-proclaimed state with territorial claims situated across the Greater Middle East region. Hasanistan has been described as a micronation or an alternative government by external observers due to its lack of international recognition and the minimal control over the regions it holds territorial claims upon.

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