Peace, Purity and Freedom

Thursday 25 February 2021

Presidential decree commissions major development projects, organises election-referendum date, expands voting rights and appoints Minister of War

President Çakar has issued a presidential decree which has commissioned two major projects to enter their planning on funding stages (the Ortasaray Tower, a land reclamation project in Körfeziye and a public transport system), organised local elections and the currency referendum for April but cancelled legislative elections, expanded voting rights for non-citizens to certain nationalities and appointed Natsuki Hegro as the Minister of War.
The development projects in which funding and planning will be conducted for are the Ortasaray Tower, a "classical" skyscraper which shall house the Hasani National Parliament as well as a potential museum and other areas, and a land reclamation project to merge the islands of Jerit and Nun in Körfeziye into a single island. Both projects have been considered for a long time, with the Jerit-Nun land merger project dating back "years" according to Çakar. The President further eloborated on details on the Ortasaray Tower, saying it will be located in or near Ortasaray Karye (the original territory of Hasanistan), its architecture will be inspired by the Samarra Minaret, it will be multi-story and potential exhibitions within it will include a museum dedicated to Hasani history and a Hasani national library. A potential courtyard or garden for the Tower is also being considered. The estimated completion date for both is within the "mid-2150s".
Research will also begin on a pollution-free public transport system. The Public Transport System Planning Bureau under the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been established to conduct the research, especially in terms of routes. President Çakar has said that the public transport system itself will be a metro-style maglev shuttle service.
The decree further stated that local elections and the currency referendum will be held on 10 April. However, legislative elections which were scheduled to be held this year have been delayed until next year. According to the President, this is because he wishes to reform the term limits of the Consultative Mejlis from one year to two years like the President. He has also stated that the Consultative Mejlis will convene in the coming days to decide on the final options for the currency name question in the upcoming referendum. Voting rights similar to those granted to Brennonian, Cormacian and Mahusetan residents have been extended to other Batyr Bloc nationalities (such as Nedlanders and Norrlanders) and Blepians.
Finally, Natsuki Hegro of the Feudalist Party has been appointed as Minister of War. Hegro is already the Minister of Internal Affairs.
The full decree can be read here.


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Hasanistan, officially the Federal Republic of Hasanistan (Hasani: Hasanistan Federal Jumhuriyeti), is a self-proclaimed state with territorial claims situated across the Greater Middle East region. Hasanistan has been described as a micronation or an alternative government by external observers due to its lack of international recognition and the minimal control over the regions it holds territorial claims upon.

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