Peace, Purity and Freedom

Sunday 1 December 2019

Prime Minister Hasan Çakar elected as Konmalehth Vice-Chair

Hasan Çakar has been elected by the vast majority of the Konmalehth representatives to serve as the Vice-Chair of the Konmalehth organisation. The results, announced today at 10:02 UTC, shown Çakar's victory by a landslide 10 votes against 3 for the opponent Thomas I of Hrafnarfjall.
His Majesty the Shahanshah also stood as a candidate for the other office of Chair, eligable as the representative of Montescano, although was unfortunately unsuccessful as he was defeated by 11 votes against 2 by Stephen Freayth of Legatia and Abelden.
Vice-Chair-elect Çakar gave the following statement after receiving news of his election:
"The Konmalehth has selected me to serve as their new Vice-Chair and that is a duty that I will proudly fulfil. I look foward to working with my new colleuge Stephen Freayth in continuing work on the organisation and helping it become better. I also would like to thank both my opponent Thomas I of Hrafnarfjall and the other Chair candidate Dionisiy Tezdzhan-Smahin for their interest within the Konmalehth, I respect many of their ideas and will work with them to make the Konmalehth greater.
I also wish to thank the departing Chair and Vice-Chair, Emiel Hardy of Mahuset and Connor I of Atovia, they have implemented their innovative plans such as the IGP and the new committees within the Konmalehth. I shall continue to work on developing their projects and hope they continue to contribute."


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